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In this unit, you will learn about environmental parameters that we attempt to control, common types of controlled environments, greenhouse site selection, basic green house designs and structural components, greenhouse structural materials and basic structural design considerations.
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Environmental Parameters and Types of Greenhouses
- Environmental Parameters of Interest
- Temperature
- Light
- Water
- Fertility
- Substrate (root medium)
- Atmosphere
- Insects/Diseases
- Common Types Controlled Environments Used in Horticulture
- Hoop Houses
- High Tunnels
- Cold Frames
- Hot Beds
- Shade Houses
- Coolers
- Growth Chambers
- Germination Chambers
- Greenhouses
- Common Greenhouse Designs
- Common Greenhouse Structural Components and Materials
- Basic Structural Design Considerations
- Greenhouse Operation Site Selection
- Markets
- Topography
- Land-Use Predictions
- Room for Expansion
- Climate
- Labor
- Accessibility
- Water
- Local or State Regulations
- Flow Patterns
- Orientation