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In this unit, you will learn about plant nutrition, application of macro- and microelements, slow-release and water-soluble fertilizers, relationships between mineral nutrition and pH and E.C. You will also learn about nutritional monitoring and how to calculate parts-per-million for fertilizer solutions.
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Mineral Elements and Greenhouse Crop Fertilization
- Introduction
- Primary Micronutrients
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Secondary Macroelements
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sulfur
- Microelements
- Liquid Fertilization, Controlled-release, and Slow-Release Fertilizers
- Liquid Fertilization with Water-Soluble Fertilizers
- Fertilization with Controlled-Release Fertilizers
- Fertilization with Slow-Release Fertilizers
- Reading and Understanding Fertilizer Labels
- Fertilizer Calculations for Liquid Fertilization Programs
- Nutritional Management and Monitoring
- Crop Stage
- Time of Year
- Amount of Mineral Elements
- Proportions/Ratios of Elements
- Form of Element
- Substrate Components
- Substrate pH
- Substrate Cation-Exchange-Capacity
- Electrical Conductivity
- Water Quality
- Irrigation Method
- Crop Stage
- Substrate and Tissue Tests for Managing Mineral Nutrition
- Saturated Medium Extract (SME)
- PourThru
- 1:2 Dilutions
- Saturated Medium Extract (SME)