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In this unit, you will learn about common growth regulators used in greenhouse crops production. You will learn about the appropriate uses of each growth regulator, and how to calculate concentrations and parts-per-million for growth regulator application.
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Plant Growth Regulators
- Introduction
- Non-Chemical Growth Control
- Water stress
- Nutritional stress
- Light
- Root restriction
- Pinching
- Thigmotropic responses
- DIF and DROP
- Chemical Growth Control
- Daminozide
- Chlormequat Chloride
- Ancymidol
- Flurprimidol
- Uniconazole
- Other Growth Regulators Used In Greenhouse Crops Production
- Ethephon Phosphonic Acid
- Benzyladenine
- Gibberellins
- Benzyladenine + Gibberellin Combinations
- Application of Growth Retardants
- Environmental conditions
- Crop
- Stage of crop
- Concentration
- Method of application
- Volume of application
- Coverage and uniformity
- Modifications with bark-based substrates
- Other Benefits With the Application of Plant Growth Regulators
- Mixing Plant Growth Regulators
- Correct Dosage
- Example Growth Regulator Calculations