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In this unit, you will learn about important characteristics of greenhouse substrates. You will learn about greenhouse substrate components and amendments, and you will learn how to formulate and handle substrates properly.
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Root Substrates for Greenhouse Crops Production Overview
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Important Physical Properties of Substrates
- Bulk density
- Total pore space
- Air-filled pore space
- Water-holding capacity
- Shrinkage
- Section 3: Important Chemical Properties of Substrates
- pH
- Electrical conductivity
- Carbon:nitrogen ratio
- Cation-exchange capacity
- Specifications
- Section 4: Common Substrate Amendments
- Lime and ground limestone
- Iron sulfate, aluminum sulfate and elemental sulfur
- Superphosphates
- Wetting agents
- Biological amendments
- Micronutrients
- Nutrient starter charges
- Section 5: Common Substrate Components
- Peat
- Coconut coir
- Composted and aged barks
- Perlite
- Pumice
- Arkalyte
- Sand
- Polystyrene foam
- Sawdust
- Parboiled fresh rice hulls
- Vermiculite
- Calcined clay
- Kenaf
- Rockwool
- Hydrophilic polymers
- Aged and composted rice hulls
- Composted peanut hulls
- Foam cubes
- Miscellaneous municipal and agricultural composted materials
- Field soils
- Section 6: Designing Growing Media
- Section 7: Mixing and Handling of Growing Media
- Self-Exam